Texas Gov. Abbott slams NYC mayor's $53M "Cash for Migrants" program
By avagrace // 2024-02-14
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has decried New York City's (NYC) $53 million "Cash for Migrants" program. "It sounds like insanity is behind it, because it really is offensive. It may be the most reprehensible thing that I've seen take place over the past 48 hours," the governor said about the project of NYC Mayor Eric Adams. He made his remarks during a Feb. 4 appearance on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures" with Maria Bartiromo. Abbott pointed out during the show that news of the program came just days after a group of illegal immigrants from Venezuela were caught on video beating two police officers near Times Square. Despite the violent assault, the illegals received no charges and were released back on the streets without bail. The governor of the Lone Star State has been busing illegals who unlawfully enter through Texas to NYC and other sanctuary cities. "What's going on in [NYC] is outrageous and Americans across the country are angry. Not just about what's going on [there], but the underlying cause for it – which is [President] Joe Biden's open border policies." According to reports, the $53 million will be in the form of prepaid credit cards coming from the city government. An initial group of 500 migrant families in short-term stays at the Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan will receive the cards. These prepaid credit cards serve to help the illegals buy food and replace the current food service offered there. (Related: NYC migrant crisis: Central Park being considered as HOUSING for migrants.) "The cards can only be used at bodegas, grocery stores, supermarkets and convenience stores. The amount on each card will vary depending on the size of the family and whether they have any income coming in. Migrants must sign an affidavit swearing they will only spend the funds on food and baby supplies, or they will be kicked out of the program."

Adams DEFENDS the program from Abbott and other "detractors"

Meanwhile, Adams' office said that over 173,000 illegals have been through the Big Apple's migrant intake system since the spring of 2022. The NYC mayor defended the program, insisting that the $1,000-a-month cards would cut spending. If the pilot program is a success, it would be expanded to all migrant families staying in hotels. As of writing, there are about 15,000 families staying in migrant shelters in the Empire State. "We are going to save money on delivery," Adams said during the New York State Legislature's "Tin Cup Day" where he and other mayors present budgetary requests to state lawmakers. "We're going to save money on people wasting food, and this is a pilot project we're going to use that to save approximately $6.7 million annually." "We're not giving people American Express cards. Instead of a debit card, instead of having to deliver food … they're now able to get their own food … [for] $12 a day." The NYC mayor also appealed for greater state support, urging the state government to cover 50 percent of the costs associated with addressing the Big Apple's migrant crisis. Moreover, he also claimed that his detractors – including Abbott – had been lying about the program. Head over to Migrants.news for more stories about NYC's migrant crisis. Watch this video about what goes on inside the migrant housing facilities in New York City. This video is from the Worldview Report channel on Brighteon.com.

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