Texas liberates island near U.S.-Mexico border occupied by criminal cartels
By bellecarter // 2024-02-25
The Texas National Guard and the state's Department of Public Safety (DPS) recently announced that they have successfully regained control of an island near the southern border, which served as a "haven" for Mexican cartels of drugs and weapons. Fronton Island, situated in the Rio Grande in Texas' Starr County, was taken back last November. In a recent appearance at Fox Business Network's "Mornings with Maria Bartiromo," Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham said she recently returned from the island she described as being "on the most violent part of the border." It was a site of automatic gunfire and continuous violence, she added. According to her, the "densely wooded" 170-acre island "provided concealment for trans-national criminal activity" and both Texas and Mexican cartels claimed occupancy of the land before it was seized. "They had literally a safe haven to stash weapons, drugs and people," she added. "Tons and tons of migrants coming across." She also said that Texas officials discovered explosive devices and weapons illegal for civilians to own in the United States, as well as a "massive amount of drugs that could kill every man, woman or child a couple of times over." She was referring to fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration as an analgesic and anesthetic. It is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more than heroin as an analgesic. Buckingham confirmed the seizure of the island and said that DPS and the military have already installed razor wire fences that have similarly been placed in high-volume migrant areas like Shelby Park. "I can tell you there are no more weapons caches and people coming across [the border]," she added. Meanwhile, Gov. Greg Abbott announced the said work already being done on the 80-acre military facility. It would provide some 1,800 soldiers to better defend the southern border from illegal migrants. "This will increase the ability for a larger number of Texas military department personnel in Eagle Pass to operate more effectively and more efficiently," Abbott said. He added that the camp will be constructed in phases of 300 beds every 30 days with the first phase expected to be completed by April, head of the Texas Military Department Maj. General Suelzer said. The complex will include three command posts, weapons storage rooms and a helicopter pad, he said.

Abbott: Texas has the constitutional right to defend itself

During Buckingham's interview on Fox, it was tackled how Texas has been standing on its own and protecting the state from invasion despite federal rulings and President Joe Biden's "weak" border security policies. (Related: Texas showdown with the federal government continues as Gov. Abbott says state is "prepared" to handle potential Biden federalization of state national guard.) According to her, Article 4 of the U.S. Constitution provides: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence." "Texas has been standing in the gap that the federal government has created," Buckingham said, reminding the audience that when Biden inherited the border he inherited the most secure border America has ever had. But then, days after he assumed office, he already reversed former President Donald Trump's orders leading to the most "insecure" border ever. Meanwhile, a New York Post article written by Abbott said that Texas is now leading the fight, with the help of governors from across the country, to do the job that Biden has failed to do. "We will continue to build barriers that deny illegal entry into our state, arrest immigrants that cross illegally, and fulfill our duty to secure our border," he wrote. "Just like our Founding Fathers, we will illustrate to Americans exactly what our great constitution provides, and how its structure empowers the states as well as the federal government to preserve the safety and well-being of every American. We are the inheritors of a responsibility first recognized by our brave ancestors more than 235 years ago. As long as we must, we will defend our state, and this nation, from grievous threats to our border." BoderSecurity.news contains more stories on Texas' aggressive efforts in protecting the borders from invasion. Watch the video below that talks about Biden's approval ratings nosediving due to the border crisis. This video is from the NewsClips channel on Brighteon.com.

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Sources include:

Newsweek.com NYPost.com Brighteon.com