SCREW WORMS and other biological weapons may soon be invading the U.S. agricultural system to degrade the food supply, warns Michael Yon
By ethanh // 2024-02-14
Illegal alien migrants are not the only things creeping their way into America from the southern border – so are screw worms. A little-known threat that was once thought to be eradicated, screw worms, as explained by war correspondent Michael Yon in a recent appearance with Mike Adams of the "Health Ranger Report," are once again making a comeback in Texas, which is a serious problem as they are flesh-eating critters that threaten livestock. "The reason you've never heard of it is because it was a war that we won," Yon explained, adding a not so fast to the end of his statement. "Let's say we were holding the enemy at the line of scrimmage down there. The front line is the Darien Gap. So what happened is our great grandparents fought so many battles we never even heard of. They fought the squirms out of America, pushed them down through Mexico and into Central America – but now they're back." An irradiation program in Panama that aimed to kill flies and other pests has apparently failed, and now screw worms are coming back to America like a plague. "Something's wrong," Yon warns. "They're coming back and I'm telling you: this is a big deal." The full interview with Yon and Adams is available for viewing below: (Related: Speaking of bioweapons, drug giant Moderna just launched clinical trials for a new mRNA [modRNA] "vaccine" it developed for cancer.)

Screw worm-infected beef?

Seeing as how Texas is largely a cattle state, the reintroduction of screw worms, if true as Yon says, represents a serious threat to America's meat supply. Even so, American politicians seem uninterested in addressing the problem. "I put the top 10 beef-producing states on and hyperlinked them yesterday on Twitter (X) stating that they need to send entomologists and veterinarians down to Panama and Central America now to get right on top of this and start fighting this war." While efforts by Yon to investigate the screw worm situation have thus far produced little, at least not yet, it has been confirmed that ticks and other pests are a problem down at the southern border where illegal migrants continue to pour across it into the United States every day. "I know that some things like this were being developed as biological weapons decades ago," Adams said, to which Yon confirmed. "I think both the Soviet Union and the U.S. – wasn't it Plum Island off the coast of New York? That's where they developed all these bioweapons that became Lyme disease." As far as Yon is concerned, screw worms are making a resurgence in the U.S. and traveling north through Mexico and into America right this very moment. "The reason I've been watching the school rooms things for a while is because I just thought they're going to attack us with this," Yon speculated about screw worms being brought back into the U.S. via the migrants. Once screw worms contaminate the food supply, it will deliver another death blow to the nation on top of the supply chain and vandalism problems that have been reported in recent years. "We know the food supply chain is already in a dire situation with a lot of sabotage, and there was a big fire on a chicken farm here in Texas a couple of weeks ago," Adams responded. Be sure to watch the full interview with Yon and Adams above to learn more about this issue and others, including segments about gold-backed currency, war history, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), health and wellness and so much more. Are the powers that be quietly releasing more deadly bioweapons into the environment? Learn more at Sources for this article include: