NY Times celebrated, promoted Democrat mayor who has since been charged with perverted sex crimes
By jdheyes // 2022-03-19
Because the left-wing media will pander to left-wing Democratic politicians instinctively, especially if they are 'persons of color,' leave it to The New York Times to fete and support a 'rising young Democrat star' who is also a sick human being if the charges against him prove to be true. The Times backed the Democratic mayor of Sebastopol, Calif. -- Robert Jacob, 44 -- who was arrested and charged in April 2021 on 11 felony and one misdemeanor sexual assault charges involving a minor, the National Pulse reported. Jacob, an avid supporter of Black Lives Matter and the insane "defund the police" movement has been charged with committing lewd acts with a child between the ages of 14 and 15; sexual penetration of a child under 16; making a child under 16 years of age available to another person to perform equally lewd and lascivious acts; and distribution of child pornography, the outlet noted further. Following a three-hour preliminary hearing on March 7, Superior Court Judge Christopher Honigsberg ruled that prosecutors had presented more than enough evidence to establish the commission of crimes. “There is sufficient cause to believe the defendant is guilty,” he found. Back in 2013, The New York Times was all about the alleged pedophile and highlighted Jacob's rising political career in an article, "In California, A Mayor's Rise Is A Sign Of the Times." Interestingly, the lead photo accompanying the story is a picture of Jacob having lunch with police officers; the caption also noted that the alleged perv founded a pot dispensary as well. “When Robert Jacob ran for the City Council here last year, he had already made the list of 'Forty Under 40 of 2012' in a local business magazine. So it was to be expected that his business gave him face recognition among voters on the campaign trail, many of whom greeted him by exclaiming, 'You’re the pot guy!'" begins the profile piece by the Times. The story emphasized Jacob’s “political ascendancy" and linked it, especially, to the nature of his business, which was considered very revolutionary at the time as states around the country began passing laws legalizing 'medicinal' and recreational use of marijuana, in defiance of federal law that prohibits the latter (and still does). The paper also noted that Jacob “could be seen as a symbol of how federal laws lag behind the times, or he could become an inviting target.” “A resident of Sebastopol since 2004, Mr. Jacob is a relative newcomer. He grew up in Rodeo, in the East Bay, the son of immigrants, his father from Mexico, and his mother from Iraq," the paper continued. "He moved with his family to the Central Valley, but uncomfortable in the area’s conservative culture because he was gay, he said, at 15 he decamped to San Francisco, where he first lived in a homeless shelter for youths. In San Francisco, Mr. Jacob went to high school and also worked for several social services groups, helping victims of domestic violence and H.I.V.-positive youths,” the Times added. According to the National Pulse, Jacob's underage victim appeared in court as well to describe the alleged crimes committed by the now-former mayor, whom he met on the dating app Grindr, at some point in late 2019 or early 2020. “After we started talking, I did eventually tell Robert my name… and age. I told him I was under 18,” the teen said on the witness stand. They began messaging for several weeks, according to the teen, eventually exchanging explicit photos. In addition, Jacob also ordered the boy to call him "master" or "sir," the victim said, “because it made him feel like he was in control” and “sexually aroused.” The boy said when he began to visit the then-mayor at his Sebastopol home, he had told his parents he was only walking Jacob's dog and performing chores around the house for pay. “It progressed. It became more sexual after we met,“ the teen testified. On at least two occasions, "he would leave me a step-by-step process of what to do when I arrived,” he testified, adding that instructions included how to come into the house, which room to use when undressing, and where to put his clothes. At that point, he said Jacob would blindfold him and take him to his bedroom, adding that the only thing he was to say to Jacob was 'yes' or 'no.' But hey, The New York Times thought this guy was a Democrat up-and-comer. Sources include: TheNationalPulse.com NYTimes.com